Support a Global Effort
Your donations support the men and women fighting as the tip of the spear in efforts to keep drugs off the streets of your neighborhood.
College Scholarships for Children of Heroes
We showcase Colombia, her National Police, and the plight of families left behind when courageous men and women give the ultimate sacrifice.
University scholarship assistance is needed but not available to orphans of fallen officers. James 1 seeks to fill that need.
Scholarship fund donations to James 1 are 100% tax deductible (US) and are held in trust by US-based New Horizons Foundation.
James 1 scholars will receive endowed higher education grants to help break the cycle of poverty worsened by the heroic sacrifice of a mother or father.
Lovely Melodies ◦ Creative Shots ◦ Heartfelt Message ◦ Strong Voice
We've Decided to Help Children of Colombia's Heroes -- Here's How We Do It
James 1 scholarship applicants will apply every year through a Bogota-based scholarship review committee made up of volunteers from the National Police, the Diplomatic community, and James 1 volunteers. After an initial review, select applications will be forwarded to the US-based James 1 governing board who will then make final scholarship decisions based on need and merit. Final scholarship grants will be made directly from US-based New Horizons Foundation to the recipients' chosen Colombian university or post-high school trade school.
At James 1, at least 92 cents on the dollar of your 100% US tax deductible donation goes directly to the scholarship endowment fund. Few projects or foundations can match that efficiency!
What Percentage of Your Credit Card Donation Goes to the Endowment? 92%
What Percentage of Your Direct Deposit Donation Goes to the Endowment? 95%
They are the first responders in the fight to keep drugs out of your neighborhood.
No Other Foundation or Project is Assisting in this Way.
New Horizons Will Manage and Invest the Endowment in Accordance with US Law.
With Higher Education Opportunities, We Can Help Break the Cycle of Poverty in these Families.
Your donations support the men and women fighting as the tip of the spear in efforts to keep drugs off the streets of your neighborhood.
Your donation supports a continuing scholarship program so your giving helps today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
With your donation, you will become part of our team, receiving regular updates on outreach events and James 1 concerts.
James 1 is a 501(c)(3) project and your donation is tax deductible in the United States.
U.S.-Trained Cinematographer, Photographer, Film Historian, and Friend of Jesus.
Pianist, Motocross Racer, Waterskier, Junior Diplomat, Friend of the Colombian Police, Lover of Jesus .
James 1 Actress and Associate Producer, Spanish Language Immersion Specialist, and Follower of Jesus.
Police Killed in the Line of Duty in 2013
Number of Officers Killed in One Month in Medellin 1990
Average Pension of a Deceased 5-Year Patrol Officer
How Many People It Takes to Make a Difference
Join Our Ranks of Support!
Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas is a proud corporate sponsor of James 1. Wiley and Team, we wish you the very best as you work to honor our fallen Colombian officers through a scholarship endowment for their children that will last for years!Eduardo Cardenas, Partner, Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas
It is our honor to support James 1 as their US 501(c)(3) parent foundation. What a beautiful ministry; what a beautiful cause; what a pleasure to be involved.
Greg Smith, New Horizons Foundation
Rhino Equipment is proud and honored to support James 1. Our national police in Colombia have sacrificed so much. As individuals and as a multi-national corporation, the least we can do is give back to their children.Javier Cardenas, President, Rhino Equipment
My company has supported James 1 from the beginning and we will support them to the end. Obviously, the goal is noble, but the means to that end -- the videos and production that James 1 is able to achieve on a next-to-nothing budget -- well, it's miraculous what they're doing. Bravo!Alejandro Gomez, CEO, Zaga Labs
Drop Us a Line!
Please let us know if you would like to get involved with James 1 or would like to learn more about the project. We love getting mail and our team will respond to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your interest in the educational future of the children of Colombia's police heroes.